Earth Sciences

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Course image 23-24 GL0998: Earth Sciences Practical Skills
Earth Sciences

GL 0998:  Earth Sciences Practical Skills

Module Co-ordinator: Dr Kevin C Clemitshaw

This module begins with transferable communication and co-operation skills that are valued by employers; the advice provided is designed to help when carrying out the assessments. It then proceeds to offer training in a range of field- and laboratory-based practical skills based on RHUL campus and ES laboratories, respectively. The skills training comprises surface water quality monitoring, greenhouse gas, geophysical and hydrogeological surveying, geological fieldwork and mapping, and soil sampling and characterisation. During the training, much data will be produced that, upon discussion with potential supervisors (ie those staff who delivered the training) may be incorporated and expanded upon, in your chosen Earth Sciences project.

Course image 23-24 GL1101: Evolving Earth
Earth Sciences

This module introduces the 4.6 billion year history of our Evolving Earth, and provides students with the skills to interpret that history themselves. The module is subdivided into two complimentary streams which that closely integrate together. One stream (palaeontology) considers the story of life from its origin, through to the rise and fall of the dinosaurs, and concluding with our own recent human evolution  It focuses on major events in evolution, and introduces students to the key concepts including systematic palaeontology, palaeoecology, palaeobiology, evolution, and taphonomy. The other stream (sedimentology) considers earth surface processes and palaeoenvironments, and teaches students how to recognise the changing environments through time using techniques including rock classification, textural analysis, facies analysis and graphic logging, palaeoflow analysis, and stratigraphy. Because life and environments have co-evolved and are co-dependent, palaeontology and sedimentology need to be taught in close parallel, providing students with a powerful synthetic understanding of how our Earth has evolved in the past, and continues to change in the future.

Course image 23-24 GL1500: Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
Earth Sciences
This course consists of two modules

Chemistry of the Earth (Term 1)

This module will introduce you to geochemistry and its application to problem solving in Earth and environmental science

Physics (Term 2)

This module will introduce you to aspects of physics that we use all the time in understanding how the Earth works as well as in exploration
Course image 23-24 GL2200: Stratigraphy and the History of Life
Earth Sciences
This course covers the principles of stratigraphic analysis and the reconstruction of past sedimentary environments. The general aims are: to provide a core of training in stratigraphic techniques; to outline key events in the history of life; and it is also intended that the students will develop the ability to undertake self-directed learning through independent reading and literature research. The course contains two related elements:
A. Stratigraphic techniques: lecture/practical sessions on Geochronology methods and limitations; Litho-, Bio- and Ichno- logging and facies analysis; influence of sea-level and climate. ;
B. Reconstructing past environments: palaeogeographic map construction; using geochronology and geochemistry to aid reconstruction
Course image 23-24 GL2210: Regional Geology
Earth Sciences
GL2210: Geological Evolution and Deep Time Synthesis

Recommended textbook:
Woodcock and Strachan (2000): Geological History of Britain and Ireland (Blackwell Science).

This is available in the library and as an e-book. A different chapter will be recommended for each course section and there is a short pre-sessional multiple choice taster quiz based on material in the chapter.

Click on the reading list icon in the main menu. This book is at the top of the list.
Course image 23-24 GL2320: Geohazards
Earth Sciences
What are the main geological-related hazards?
How and why do they occur? What is the likelihood of repeat events? What can we do to control or predict them?
This course will investigate these issues by investigating the occurrence of earthquakes, tsunamis, radioactivity, landslides.........and other similar events.
Course image 23-24 GL2410: Geochemistry
Earth Sciences
This course builds on the first year ‘Chemistry of the Earth’ module (GL1500) by reinforcing familiar and by introducing further, more advanced chemical concepts relevant to the Earth Sciences. Application and relevance to the Earth Sciences of the course content is always pointed at the outset, and reinforced through practical classes. The emphasis in the first term is on ‘General geochemistry’, whereas the second term focuses on ‘Isotope Geochemistry’ and thus on techniques that are directly applicable in various Earth Science contexts.
Students conduct a small project involving the analysis and interpretation of a real geochemical dataset, which is assessed in form of a written report.
Course image 23-24 GL2460: Research in Earth, Climate and Environmental Change
Earth Sciences

In this research led module skills in scientific writing, communication and data interpretation will be developed alongside an understanding of current research topics in Earth, Climate and Environmental Change.

A series of eight seminars will be led by experts on a range of research topics in the field of Earth, Climate and Environmental change. From these seminars students will gain an understanding of cutting edge research and the way in which research projects are planned and carried out.

A literature review exercise on one of the research topics from the seminar series will be undertaken with support from tutors. Students will receive training in techniques for literature searching, synthesising a large quantity of literature and reference managing.

Data interpretation skills will be developed through a short guided quantitative project. Students will make measurements, query, test and plot data in different ways using skills learnt in year 1. This project will be carried out in the last 2 weeks of term 2.

Students completing this module will have an excellent understanding of current issues and research in Earth, Climate and Environmental Change and will be well prepared for the independent research projects that will be carried out in year 3.

Course image 23-24 GL2600: Structural Analysis And Remote Sensing
Earth Sciences
Theory and examples of how stresses in the crust result in deformation. Focused on quantifying stresses and resultant kinematics, the expression of crustal stresses as earthquakes, faults and folds, as well as associated tectonic and sedimentary processes. Transferable skills include basic satellite image interpretation, 3-D visualisation and science communication.
Course image 23-24 GL3210: Advanced Topics In Sedimentology
Earth Sciences
In this course, you will receive training in topics that are actively being researched by members of staff in this Department. The range of topics offered is wide, and you will receive cutting edge insights into latest developments in the vast field of sedimentology.
Course image 23-24 GL3321: Environmental Geology Project
Earth Sciences
During this module that spans the two terms, it is expected from you to do a full project, from the conception of it to its end: the plan, the process, the data acquisition, and of course the data interpretation. You will learn to go through every step that is needed to do a project, but of course, you will have help and guidance to be able to do that. One of the key points is that you will need to produce data, in the laboratory, or by modelling, if you prefer to do a project close to the latter. Please note that it is NOT a literature project, it is required of you to have a full project from A to Z: background, sampling, data acquisition, and data interpretation/discussion.

The purpose of doing this is for you to own your project. Rather than getting a topic from a supervisor, and just doing it, which might be less interesting for you, rather than being involved in its elaboration from the start. So you need to think first what you would like to do, although you need to take inspiration from what can be offered to you (shown in the list below), and consequently contact the relevant supervisor(s) from that list, discuss with them what can be done, and sort out a project together. Overall it is your choice, because it is an INDEPENDENT project.
However, supervisors CANNOT help you with a project topic that it is not part of their expertise, so please look at the list of topics carefully to remain close to subjects that can be offered to you.

Here below is the list of the potential supervisors, with the topics that they are working on. Supervisors will take a limited number of projects, so it will be on the principle of first come, first served, BUT to contact them you need to have an articulated project, at least a start of it, not with the “what project I can do with you?” attitude.

Dave Lowry: methane, and other Greenhouse gases in different sites, gas leaks, sewage water treatment gases emissions, landfills.
Rebecca Fisher: methane, and other Greenhouse gases in different sites, like pond, lakes, wetland, etc.
Clem Clemistshaw: urban greenhouse gases emissions.
Nathalie Grassineau: water contamination; soil contamination; vegetation contamination in different sites: urban, rural, industrial.
Alex Dickson: to be added.

I require some initiative from you on this.
The project will start early October, and will finish at the end of the second term. As the course coordinator I am here to help you, making sure that it is going fine, and I will supervise a few projects if some of you are interested.

To make sure that you are not asking supervisors something that they cannot do directly with you, you can pass by me what you are thinking. I am very happy to help you to determine a topic and direct you towards the right person.

Course image 23-24 GL3451: Earth, Climate and Environmental Change Research Project
Earth Sciences

A research topic in the field of Earth and Environmental Sciences will be chosen in the summer before the start of year 3 after discussion with a relevant staff member. Projects can be field and/or laboratory based, generating new scientific data, or they can be computational, analysing existing data that has not been subject to detailed and critical analysis. Early in term 1 students will submit a project plan to the supervisor and course leader and will receive written feedback on the project plan. Formative feedback will also be provided at the end of term 1 following presentations showing progress made so far. Students will be expected to regularly meet with their project supervisor for guidance. At the end of the project students will present the results of their research as a scientific report and as an oral presentation.

Course image 23-24 GL3600: Advanced Techniques In Tectonic And Structural Interpretation
Earth Sciences
This course encompasses processes that deform and translate crustal rocks in the solid state, and the geological records they leave for us to interpret. The programme is designed for advanced level students, and aims to assist in developing advanced skills in structural and tectonic analysis.
Course image 23-24 GL3780: Subsurface Storage of CO2 and Energy
Earth Sciences

This module will develop comprehensive skills and knowledge critical for future generations to successfully explore and produce clean energy from multiple sources. Subsurface storage of energy and CO2, the topics of this module, are industrial processes that allow full exploitation of renewable energy (by storing it when there’s no Sun or Wind) and sustainable exploitation of fossil fuels (by allowing the greenhouse gases they produce to be permanently kept out of the atmosphere).  This new module builds on our research & teaching excellence and outstanding links with the Energy Industry sector and allows us to provide academic leadership and training in support of the “Energy Transition” (the rapid move that our planet needs from 20th Century energy sources to 21st century ones). It is estimated, by the UK Government, that subsurface storage of energy and of CO2 below the seabed of the North Sea will, by the mid 2030s, become a bigger business that the oil industry. This module aims to ensure that our students are well trained for that Green future.

Course image 23-24 GL3800: Advanced Palaeontology
Earth Sciences
This course consists of a series of specialist lectures in topics of current interest in Palaeobiology. The topics span a wide range of themes including palaeoecology; palaeoenvironmental reconstruction; vertebrate exceptional preservation, functional biology, evolution and diet; Burgess Shale biotas. Where appropriate short practical sessions are included to provide basic research level skills
Course image 23-24 GL3901: Independent Geological Field Mapping
Earth Sciences

Independent Geological Field Mapping: What it means

This project is the opportunity for you to show your abilities and use the knowledge you have acquired in your degree course. Your mapping supervisor will start you off by introducing you to the area and will provide or suggest some background reading. Please take advantage of this help and advice, but do not restrict yourself just to what is provided.

We expect you to show initiative. Seek out relevant literature. Read it. Think about how you might use the observations you make in the field to support your hypotheses. Have you seen air photos or satellite imagery of your mapping area? Can this help you? Sometimes large structures may be easy to see on imagery and not so easy to see on the ground.

Look at published geological maps, papers describing structures and stratigraphy, and anything that deals with field observations. See how other people present their data. Consider if their techniques may be useful for you.

Course image 23-24 GL4012/GL4322: Independent project
Earth Sciences

Under the guidance of a departmental Supervisor the student will design and execute an independent research project which will be submitted for examination as a a report. Data collection will be field based or laboratory based and may involve industrial placement. Field based projects will normally be based on a 7-10 days of field work. Data handling using statistical techniques must be integrated into the project . A vital aspect of the project development will be regular presentations of results in the form of seminars to their peer group and staff a number of times during the final year. The final seminar will be assessed by a panel of staff.

Course image 23-24 GL4040: Evolution of the Modern Earth
Earth Sciences
This course will integrate sedimentological, palaeobiological, oceanographic and atmospheric information from the geological record and modern record to understand the evolution of the modern Earth. Students will investigate the changes in these aspects of Earth history through time and evaluate the impact of the changes on the evolution of the planet.